On Monday we started a raccoon job and had to do Family Truck Evening instead of Family Home Evening. Tuesday night found Don working with the Boy Scouts (which he will probably be doing every Tuesday night from here on out). Wednesday night was family soccer night for our ward family at the middle school up the road. Thursday night was the Relief Society Christmas dinner and program where I sang a duet with Mercy and lead the music. We also did a service project for The Giving Tree (a local Christian charity for homeless children and families that can't get any state funding because they won't take the picture of Christ off of their wall and they won't stop praying...so they run on faith and private donations). Friday Don and I took the dogs out for an afternoon hike in the hills just east of us. It's beautiful. I'll have to take pictures sometime. Sometime during the week we managed to get the Christmas tree, lighting, and decorations done inside and out. We also became the collection point for the Cub Scout food drive for the community food bank and will get all of that turned in as soon as it stops raining so that we can fill the back of the truck. On Saturday the Stevens family came over--YEA! We haven't seen them in months! The only one who didn't make it was Ashley. It was a fun day of soccer and horseshoes and other games. We planned a kid friendly meal of burgers and dogs on the grill with chips, etc. and roasted marshmallows for s'mores for dessert (thank you Bethany for providing the fixings--good idea!) Below are some pictures.

We had a good fast Sunday. We started our day by talking to the grandkids which is always a highlight. Nathan is happy and enjoying his work, and they are all well. Church was great, as usual. We have a wonderful ward. The full time elders came over for dinner which is always a joy. Then two of the families that Don home teaches came over to watch the 1st Presidency Devotional with us and drink hot chocolate. What a great day...what a fun week! And the coming week is just as full. Ah, yes, 'tis the season! :-)
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