On the critter front, we gave a skunk a new home this week. They are basically docile little animals, and this little guy was no exception. Here he is finding his way around his new habitat.
We also rescued a ringtail cat that had crawled into someone's car engine. They were driving around hoping to scare it out (!!!!) and finally decided to call us to talk about their problem. They were driving nearby, so Don had them come over so that he could get the little guy out. When freed, Mr. Ringtail quickly scampered up the nearest tree. They are such cute and curious little animals! Here's a couple of pictures:

We also enjoyed seeing both of the girls this week. It's nice to know that no matter how old they get, they still appreciate having us nearby and the security that comes from knowing that we love them.
At this season of Christmas, may all of you have the security of family love and feel the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, whose birth we celebrate at this time of year. Joy to all of you!
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