Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Day, Another Dollar

At some point I am going to have to get in the habit of taking pictures! I don't seem to remember to grab the camera until Saturday. Oh well. Better luck this coming week.
This week Don took care of bees, a packrat, and sealing off places where bats could roost in the spring. We also answered questions about skunks, ringtail cats, and ducks (Q.: Can you come and remove these 150 ducks from our little lake and take them to another lake so that they can stay there? A.: Wild ducks are not exactly obedient, and they do fly for hundreds of miles and are not prone to "staying" where you put them. Could we give you some ideas on how to live with them and keep them out of the places where you don't want them?) Here's a picture of Ms. Packrat getting a new home.

I wish I had taken pictures the day Jenna was over. I enjoy having her here--she enjoys getting her laundry done and raiding the food storage...oh I mean, she loves visiting me, too. lol We have a fun time and she's welcome to to the washer and dryer and the pantry any time.
We also had the ward party this week...Don went and had a good time...I stayed home trying to keep this head cold from getting worse. He had a good time. Yesterday one of the families Don home teaches came over for dinner and games. We had a great time. Their two teenagers are a lot of fun. It's been raining all weekend, so we put a fire in the fireplace. The Jenkins kids wanted to roast marshmallows (Trooper stayed close to that action hoping for a handout) in the fire place (de ja vous) and James and Don were doing pull ups on the stairs. We played the train game...congratulations Nicole on beating your brother and the rest of us.

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