Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks For Families

This last week we celebrated Thanksgiving for two solid days, and I had intended to take many pictures while doing so. But between the demands in the kitchen and fun with the family, it didn't happen. So I'll just summarize by saying that we spent Thursday at Gary and Carol's (my brother and sister-in-law) doing Thanksgiving with my side of the family and Carol's family. On Friday we had Thanksgiving over here with the Carter clan. The food, of course, was wonderful and plentiful. The conversation was joyful. Both days were a lot of fun. And in it all I was struck by the generations on either side of me. I watched my nieces with their little ones and smiled at my own memories and all that lies in front of them. And I watched my widowed mother and mother-in-law and thought of how happy and content they seemed surrounded by family, and how gracefully they are moving through this last season of their lives. I'm grateful for those who came before me and those who come after me. Families are forever.

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