This week found us busily rounding up some ringtail cats (cousins to raccoons and coatis) from the attic of a young mom, her two little girls, and her parents (who are from India). We so much enjoyed meeting them and their neighbors, and eating a traditional Indian dinner with them. YUM! She's a high school math teacher, so we spent a lot of time "talking shop" We hope to stay in touch with them.
Don got the fire pit finished this week and we broke it in at the Elder's Quorum party that was held here last night. The grass served as a wonderful play area for the kids, and the guys enjoyed pitching horseshoes outside of the fenced area. We grilled on the back porch and ate both inside and out. The weather was perfect. Then we made a bonfire and roasted marshmallows when it got dark. Good food, good desserts, good friends, good times!
This week also officially ended "the teenage years" for us as Jennifer turned 20 on Friday. UGH--I am now officially old!
Below is a shot from the front porch taken during the party last night. To the right is the fire pit complete with a sitting area. To the left is the grass area where we set up the badminton net.

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