Uncle Milford passed away a week ago. The funeral was in Glendale last Thursday. I got to see much of the Slagel side of the family which was good, but I was sorry for the circumstances that brought us together. Funeral are never easy. Aunt Miriam is holding up well; but then, no one would expect anything else. That side of the family is strong and full of faith, and I appreciate their strength.
We finished all of the little odd jobs we wanted to do at the house on Breckinridge...the renters are moving in this week and the house looks great inside and out. We hope they will be happy there!
We had another successful Cub Scout Pack Meeting at our house last week. Don is a great Cub Master. Yesterday he spent all day at a scouting Pow Wow (and I went Christmas shopping!) He's also the Boy Scout Committee Chairman and is busy organizing and putting all of the scouts' information into the computer so that he can keep them on track for their advancements.
Today the 88 States in Arizona had a Regional Conference done as a broadcast from Salt Lake which we enjoyed. It was our first Conference in this stake and we enjoyed seeing a few people that we knew from other wards. We are excited about the three new temples that have been announced for Arizona! They will be in Gilbert, Phoenix, and in the Gila Valley. Maybe Tucson will grow enough to have a temple here one day!
We are anxious for the election on Tuesday not just because of the national political situation, but because Arizona is trying to pass an amendment to our state constitution which says that marriage is between a man and a woman (Prop. 102). There has been a lot of work put into the effort; I'm really hopeful that it will pass! We're hopeful that California will also pass a similar amendment.
We've had several critter calls in the last couple of weeks (raccoons, pack rats, a ring tail cat, bats) which have kept us busy. I actually remembered to take the camera on one of the 'coon calls. Below are pictures of Don relocating a large male raccoon into his park near the pond which is about a mile south of us.
We hope all is well with all of you! Take care!

1 comment:
we just saw a raccoon (sp) but he was stiff and not moving...so it is nice to see an alive one and show the kids what color they should be. Thanks for sharing! Did you read the conference issue? I keep thinking of you when I do! Love and miss you!
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