Although my kids all seem to have been born with a "technology gene", I apparently was not. I think they started giving those out in the 1970's...well past my advent into this world. So I always feel like I'm playing catch up.
Take blogging for example. Who'd have thought that I could actually learn how to do this (with wallpaper and accompanying photos to boot)? Not that I'm good at it yet, but at least I feel like I'm learning the game. It's sorta like the rest of you are playing in the world series and I'm playing ladies slow pitch! But hey--at least I'm playing--right?
So in that light, I want you to know that I have become proficient enough at making Power Point presentations every week for our Sunday School class that I can actually put one together all by myself complete with pieces of text flying in or spiraling down when I want them to! How's that for an accomplishment? I even text on occassion! Are you impressed? LOL
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