We are Don and Karen Carter, and currently call Catalina, AZ, home. Don is a wildlife guy, and that means that our life is, well, kinda wild sometimes! Don works for the County by day, and we occasionally spend our evenings relocating wildlife that has gotten into people's homes (they don't call Don "Batman" for nothing). Karen taught school for many years but has since said good-bye to the two-legged wildlife and hello to the four-legged wildlife. We love our family and life is good!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanks For Families
This last week we celebrated Thanksgiving for two solid days, and I had intended to take many pictures while doing so. But between the demands in the kitchen and fun with the family, it didn't happen. So I'll just summarize by saying that we spent Thursday at Gary and Carol's (my brother and sister-in-law) doing Thanksgiving with my side of the family and Carol's family. On Friday we had Thanksgiving over here with the Carter clan. The food, of course, was wonderful and plentiful. The conversation was joyful. Both days were a lot of fun. And in it all I was struck by the generations on either side of me. I watched my nieces with their little ones and smiled at my own memories and all that lies in front of them. And I watched my widowed mother and mother-in-law and thought of how happy and content they seemed surrounded by family, and how gracefully they are moving through this last season of their lives. I'm grateful for those who came before me and those who come after me. Families are forever.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Make New Friends, But Keep the Old...
Another musical title for those of you who who know THAT one...
This week found us busily rounding up some ringtail cats (cousins to raccoons and coatis) from the attic of a young mom, her two little girls, and her parents (who are from India). We so much enjoyed meeting them and their neighbors, and eating a traditional Indian dinner with them. YUM! She's a high school math teacher, so we spent a lot of time "talking shop" We hope to stay in touch with them.
Don got the fire pit finished this week and we broke it in at the Elder's Quorum party that was held here last night. The grass served as a wonderful play area for the kids, and the guys enjoyed pitching horseshoes outside of the fenced area. We grilled on the back porch and ate both inside and out. The weather was perfect. Then we made a bonfire and roasted marshmallows when it got dark. Good food, good desserts, good friends, good times!
Below is a shot from the front porch taken during the party last night. To the right is the fire pit complete with a sitting area. To the left is the grass area where we set up the badminton net.
This week found us busily rounding up some ringtail cats (cousins to raccoons and coatis) from the attic of a young mom, her two little girls, and her parents (who are from India). We so much enjoyed meeting them and their neighbors, and eating a traditional Indian dinner with them. YUM! She's a high school math teacher, so we spent a lot of time "talking shop" We hope to stay in touch with them.
Don got the fire pit finished this week and we broke it in at the Elder's Quorum party that was held here last night. The grass served as a wonderful play area for the kids, and the guys enjoyed pitching horseshoes outside of the fenced area. We grilled on the back porch and ate both inside and out. The weather was perfect. Then we made a bonfire and roasted marshmallows when it got dark. Good food, good desserts, good friends, good times!
This week also officially ended "the teenage years" for us as Jennifer turned 20 on Friday. UGH--I am now officially old!
Below is a shot from the front porch taken during the party last night. To the right is the fire pit complete with a sitting area. To the left is the grass area where we set up the badminton net.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
"...This Land Is My Land"
The title is for those of you who know that song. Anyway...
This week we spent a few days on our land in northeastern AZ. I love it up there because it's beautiful and peaceful. I love my snug little cabin and the wood burning stove in the corner. I love being out in nature. It does my heart good and reminds me of Heavenly Father's love for beauty that shows in all of His creations. I always think of the scripture, "Be still, and know that I am God." And when I am there away from the busyness of life, I can be still...and with all my heart, I know.
The first picture I took was at sunset. The second is right after sunset when only Venus and Jupiter can be seen in the sky. The third is the moon overhead and our campfire below. The fourth is of a sunrise.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's a...it's a...?
OK! This one's for all the nature lovers out there.
Don took this picture (by the garden) of what appears to be bird poop on a leaf. Only it's not--it's a caterpillar! We went out on the web and looked under "bird poop caterpillar" and found several links. Here's one of them

Don took this picture (by the garden) of what appears to be bird poop on a leaf. Only it's not--it's a caterpillar! We went out on the web and looked under "bird poop caterpillar" and found several links. Here's one of them

This week was a series of win-wins for us. On the elections front, we saw AZ, CA, and FL pass marriage amendments. I guess that's more like a win, win, win! The rest of the political scene leaves me uninspired...'nuff said.
On the business front, the county park that Don is working on developing is coming along well, and the critter gitter-ing has kept us busy which is a good thing (this week has been all about bats and rats and pigeons). So on the two work fronts, it's another win-win!
Yesterday we had a yard sale. We got rid of a lot of stuff AND we made a chunk of money. That's a big win-win!
Don signed up to play on a city-league soccer team as the goalie. Never mind that he hasn't played since he was in the Army (1980's) and has never been a goalie. We started practicing at the school this week. I kicked the ball at him as hard as I could and got some good exercise, and he practiced diving on balls and protecting the goal. We both enjoyed the time; chalk up another win-win!
We had two birthdays this last week: Makayle turned 7 and Carter turned 2! I can't believe how quickly they are growing up! Kids and grandkids...love and joy...win-win!
This week we are headed up to the land for a few days. Trooper has never been on a trip with us, but if he reacts to the land and the space like Mia, his going to experience a few days of doggy heaven. And since we've been pushing pretty hard these last few months and need some down time and the dogs need some adventure, this week is sure to be a win-win for all of us!
On the business front, the county park that Don is working on developing is coming along well, and the critter gitter-ing has kept us busy which is a good thing (this week has been all about bats and rats and pigeons). So on the two work fronts, it's another win-win!
Yesterday we had a yard sale. We got rid of a lot of stuff AND we made a chunk of money. That's a big win-win!
Don signed up to play on a city-league soccer team as the goalie. Never mind that he hasn't played since he was in the Army (1980's) and has never been a goalie. We started practicing at the school this week. I kicked the ball at him as hard as I could and got some good exercise, and he practiced diving on balls and protecting the goal. We both enjoyed the time; chalk up another win-win!
We had two birthdays this last week: Makayle turned 7 and Carter turned 2! I can't believe how quickly they are growing up! Kids and grandkids...love and joy...win-win!
This week we are headed up to the land for a few days. Trooper has never been on a trip with us, but if he reacts to the land and the space like Mia, his going to experience a few days of doggy heaven. And since we've been pushing pretty hard these last few months and need some down time and the dogs need some adventure, this week is sure to be a win-win for all of us!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
So Much to Say, So Little Time!
We've been so busy the last two weeks that I think I'd better give a few high lights.
Uncle Milford passed away a week ago. The funeral was in Glendale last Thursday. I got to see much of the Slagel side of the family which was good, but I was sorry for the circumstances that brought us together. Funeral are never easy. Aunt Miriam is holding up well; but then, no one would expect anything else. That side of the family is strong and full of faith, and I appreciate their strength.
We finished all of the little odd jobs we wanted to do at the house on Breckinridge...the renters are moving in this week and the house looks great inside and out. We hope they will be happy there!
We had another successful Cub Scout Pack Meeting at our house last week. Don is a great Cub Master. Yesterday he spent all day at a scouting Pow Wow (and I went Christmas shopping!) He's also the Boy Scout Committee Chairman and is busy organizing and putting all of the scouts' information into the computer so that he can keep them on track for their advancements.
Today the 88 States in Arizona had a Regional Conference done as a broadcast from Salt Lake which we enjoyed. It was our first Conference in this stake and we enjoyed seeing a few people that we knew from other wards. We are excited about the three new temples that have been announced for Arizona! They will be in Gilbert, Phoenix, and in the Gila Valley. Maybe Tucson will grow enough to have a temple here one day!
We are anxious for the election on Tuesday not just because of the national political situation, but because Arizona is trying to pass an amendment to our state constitution which says that marriage is between a man and a woman (Prop. 102). There has been a lot of work put into the effort; I'm really hopeful that it will pass! We're hopeful that California will also pass a similar amendment.
We've had several critter calls in the last couple of weeks (raccoons, pack rats, a ring tail cat, bats) which have kept us busy. I actually remembered to take the camera on one of the 'coon calls. Below are pictures of Don relocating a large male raccoon into his park near the pond which is about a mile south of us.
We hope all is well with all of you! Take care!
Uncle Milford passed away a week ago. The funeral was in Glendale last Thursday. I got to see much of the Slagel side of the family which was good, but I was sorry for the circumstances that brought us together. Funeral are never easy. Aunt Miriam is holding up well; but then, no one would expect anything else. That side of the family is strong and full of faith, and I appreciate their strength.
We finished all of the little odd jobs we wanted to do at the house on Breckinridge...the renters are moving in this week and the house looks great inside and out. We hope they will be happy there!
We had another successful Cub Scout Pack Meeting at our house last week. Don is a great Cub Master. Yesterday he spent all day at a scouting Pow Wow (and I went Christmas shopping!) He's also the Boy Scout Committee Chairman and is busy organizing and putting all of the scouts' information into the computer so that he can keep them on track for their advancements.
Today the 88 States in Arizona had a Regional Conference done as a broadcast from Salt Lake which we enjoyed. It was our first Conference in this stake and we enjoyed seeing a few people that we knew from other wards. We are excited about the three new temples that have been announced for Arizona! They will be in Gilbert, Phoenix, and in the Gila Valley. Maybe Tucson will grow enough to have a temple here one day!
We are anxious for the election on Tuesday not just because of the national political situation, but because Arizona is trying to pass an amendment to our state constitution which says that marriage is between a man and a woman (Prop. 102). There has been a lot of work put into the effort; I'm really hopeful that it will pass! We're hopeful that California will also pass a similar amendment.
We've had several critter calls in the last couple of weeks (raccoons, pack rats, a ring tail cat, bats) which have kept us busy. I actually remembered to take the camera on one of the 'coon calls. Below are pictures of Don relocating a large male raccoon into his park near the pond which is about a mile south of us.
We hope all is well with all of you! Take care!

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