Sunday, December 27, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas week filled with friends and family...just as it should be. Don and I both have siblings, niece's, nephews, and their kids in the Tucson area, which is nice.

My sister came in from the Denver area to spend a couple of weeks. She has not been home for Christmas since 2000, and we haven't seen her at all since the summer of 2004. Below is a picture of my Mom and her four children at her house where we gathered on Christmas Eve. I know it made her very happy to have us all together again. Wish Dad could have been there. This is our sixth Christmas since his passing.

Below is my youngest sister with her daughter, son-in-law, and their two boys. The boys sure made opening gifts a lot of fun!

Below is my brother, his wife, and their son (who will be graduating from the university as an engineer in another year or so).

Jennifer had to work that night, so she wasn't here when we took pictures. But we were glad Nicole could stay and be in this photo with us.

On Christmas morning we had a chance to talk to the grandchildren in Germany...what a joy they are! I wish they could have been here to enjoy the week with us.
Although I realize that Christmas is not about the gifts, I do want to share one very special gift that was given to me by Don. When we got married, there was no money to spend on diamond rings because he was just beginning his education at the University of Arizona, I was teaching school, and we had three kids to support (two were mine, one was his). I was happy to wear a simple gold band. That was nearly 16 years ago.
This year for Christmas Don took me shopping to pick out a diamond ring...a token of his love and commitment. What a sweetheart! Below is a picture of the ring I picked out. It's called a waterfall...baguettes on both sides and 21 small diamonds arching through the middle set in yellow gold. It's beautiful!
Truly, we had wonderful Christmas! Each day this week was filled with fun, good friends, and extended family, for which I am grateful.
At this time of year when we remember the birth of the Savior of the World, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Prince of Peace, I wish all of you a blessed and wonderful Christmas season. Thank you for your love and friendship...I treasure it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December, Week Three

WOW! What a busy week! All I can do is summarize the highlights.

We finished a big job with the business (which took three nights this week) and got all of the last minute shopping done. We took one night to relax with some friends (and I mean RELAX!). Denise and I put on comfortable baggy pants and t-shirts, then went to her kitchen and started cooking the teriaki chicken and prepared the stir fry vegetables. Then we turned Don and Rick loose in the kitchen to make miso soup and various kinds of sushi while Denise and I rested on the couch.

Don at his end of the counter.

Rick at his end of the counter.

Resting while the kids watched TV.

The final, beautiful result: soup, sushi, and veggies...the chicken had to be served on a different plate.
Thanks, Denise and Rick, for a fun night. Now we are ready for a big Christmas week!

Monday, December 14, 2009

December, Week Two

Well, the Christmas shopping is done, the gifts that needed to be made are now made (thanks to Nicole who came over and spent an afternoon with me), presents are wrapped, tags are on, but the tree is not up! Maybe this week I can make that happen.

Nicole and I made several of these jars...cookies mix (thank you, Sabrina, for a new recipe to try) and 5-bean soup mix. We had a lot of fun making them. Now we need to get them delivered to the families we home teach and visit teach.

Since the tree is not up, the gifts and wrapping paper are all over the beds in the guest room. Once the tree is up, I'll be able to clean up this room.

We had a several critter jobs this week...the smell in the truck attests to the fact that one of the jobs involved relocating a skunk. And we've got a lot of work lined up again this week, for which we are grateful.

We also went out for sushi with some friends in our ward, and my cousins came over one night for dinner and games. Don took his Boy Scouts caving on Saturday but he forgot the camera. He does a lot of "high adventure" things with them...some of which cause me "high anxiety" because I want them all to stay home and be safe and not take any risks. But that's not the program...

We also had a wonderful (and huge) ward party last week. So many people came that there weren't enough tables and chairs, so people were eating in the hallways. It was a good time, but again, I forgot the camera. Oh well. Better luck this week!

Monday, December 7, 2009


I love December! Even though it sometimes wears me out, I love it! Christmas is my favorite holiday, and this year we got December off to a good start!

We had a Relief Society Christmas program which turned out to be a beautiful night. Not only were the tables beautifully decorated, but they were overflowing with food! About 70 of the sisters in our ward gathered and enjoyed talking and eating.

Around the room were many beautiful nativity displays that sisters had been brought from their homes. Several had written explanations as to why that particular nativity scene was special to their family.

The program was a combination of music poetry, stories, and scriptures. It went very well. There are so many who were willing to share their instrumental and vocal talents, and I appreciated them so much (I was in charge of the program). All in all, it was a beautiful night.

We also went to the Mesa temple one night this week. I love the peace that I feel there.

The grounds of the temple were lit up with many, many Christmas was SOOO beautiful!

These are about half life-size camels with the three wise men all created out of lights. It is situated in a grassy area off at a distance and is stunning. (Sorry this picture is a little blurred.)

There was a choir singing beautifully by the visitor's center...that's their reflection in the large pool of water that extended out in front of them.

This was a large nativity set out on another part of the lawn...I love the star!
On Saturday the girls came over for dinner to celebrate Nicole's successful completion of another semester of school. Yea Nicole!

On Sunday we watched the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional, which was a beautiful ending to our first week in December.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

We spent the week of Thanksgiving up at the land. It was a good time for us to be quiet and contemplate how blessed our lives are. We have so very, very much to be grateful for, including our families, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the freedoms and privileges we enjoy as citizens of this nation. It was a beautiful setting in which to reflect.

The first night was cold. When we awoke in the morning, it was only 10 degrees F. We aren't used to that kind of cold, but enjoyed the change in climate nevertheless. Here we are the first morning. Funny, it doesn't look cold in the picture.

This is the little stove in the corner of the cabin that kept me warm all week.

I love this little stove!!!

We had a couple of days to do some exploring, which we enjoyed.

We met three of our neighbors. The one lives about 5 miles to the east of us, and another is less than 1 mile to the south (their house is the only one we can see from our property). We also met a neighbors who lives about 4 miles south of us.

The dogs were very content for the week, and didn't want to come home yesterday when it was time to leave. I don't blame them!

When we left yesterday morning, it began to sprinkle. We could see heavy rain clouds for miles. It was beautiful, and the air smelled so clean and crisp. I love it when it rains up there.

We had a safe trip and found all well when we got home. We are thankful for the many friendships we have, and hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, too.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Just a Note...

I don't have any pictures for this past week...sorry. For the most part, we did things around the house in preparation for our trip this coming week. The headline for the week would be that Jennifer turned 21 yesterday! It's hard to believe, as I can clearly remember when she was born...happy birthday, baby girl!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Catching Up!

What a delightful 9 days we had while Nathan, Sarah, and their kids were here visiting from Germany!

In the few days before they arrived, Makayle had her 8th birthday and Carter had his 3rd birthday. So naturally, we had to start with presents!

It was fun waking up to the sound of little ones in the morning..

...and having them help me make breakfast...

...and watch them wrestle with Grandpa.

We had a family picnic for my side of the family.

Grandma with her first-born grandchild, Nathan.

Makayle learning to hit a badminton birdie.

Cousins talking...

...and taking.

Aunt Carol watching Carter and Aden (both 3 years old) play football.

Great-grandma talking with her first-born great-grand child, Makayle.

And more cousins talking.

It was a fun day, even if the burgers were served a lot later than anticipated (my fault).

Paige lost her first tooth while they were here!

We went to Funtastics to play for a day. The girls drove cars...

...and we all soaked each other with water on the bumper boats.

We played miniature golf and arcade games...

...and had a fun day.

The kids eventually decided that they liked the dogs...especially Mia.

We had a birthday dinner for Aunt Jennifer who is turning 21 this week.

We had an on-going job this week removing rock squirrels from an old ranch that the city of Oro Valley has decided to renovate. Some of the structures still have the original adobe bricks (from the 1800's) visible.

Paige went with us on all of our calls. Her dad calls her Ranger Pager.

Paige baiting a trap with grapes.

Grandpa releasing a rock squirrel into its new home.

One night we had a bonfire, roasted marshmallows, and sang as many campfire songs as we could remember

Paige's perfectly roasted marshmallow...

...and Carter roasting his marshmallow.

We also drove down to Sahuarita for an extended family gathering in honor of Makayle's baptism. It was a wonderful occasion for many loving relatives there to witness the ordinance and to support her in her decision to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Makayle was baptized by her dad.

Makayle with her parents, Sarah and Nathan.

The only difficulty of the whole week was that almost everyone came down with stomach flu the last day. Don, Jennifer, and I are still doesn't seem to want to leave us very quickly. We hope that Nathan and Sarah's family recover more quickly than us, as they have to fly back to Germany in a couple of days. Good-bye, sweet family! We love you more than you know! Thanks for coming to visit us!