Nicole and I made several of these jars...cookies mix (thank you, Sabrina, for a new recipe to try) and 5-bean soup mix. We had a lot of fun making them. Now we need to get them delivered to the families we home teach and visit teach.

Since the tree is not up, the gifts and wrapping paper are all over the beds in the guest room. Once the tree is up, I'll be able to clean up this room.

We had a several critter jobs this week...the smell in the truck attests to the fact that one of the jobs involved relocating a skunk. And we've got a lot of work lined up again this week, for which we are grateful.
We also went out for sushi with some friends in our ward, and my cousins came over one night for dinner and games. Don took his Boy Scouts caving on Saturday but he forgot the camera. He does a lot of "high adventure" things with them...some of which cause me "high anxiety" because I want them all to stay home and be safe and not take any risks. But that's not the program...
We also had a wonderful (and huge) ward party last week. So many people came that there weren't enough tables and chairs, so people were eating in the hallways. It was a good time, but again, I forgot the camera. Oh well. Better luck this week!
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