The first night was cold. When we awoke in the morning, it was only 10 degrees F. We aren't used to that kind of cold, but enjoyed the change in climate nevertheless. Here we are the first morning. Funny, it doesn't look cold in the picture.

This is the little stove in the corner of the cabin that kept me warm all week.

I love this little stove!!!
We had a couple of days to do some exploring, which we enjoyed.

We met three of our neighbors. The one lives about 5 miles to the east of us, and another is less than 1 mile to the south (their house is the only one we can see from our property). We also met a neighbors who lives about 4 miles south of us.
The dogs were very content for the week, and didn't want to come home yesterday when it was time to leave. I don't blame them!

When we left yesterday morning, it began to sprinkle. We could see heavy rain clouds for miles. It was beautiful, and the air smelled so clean and crisp. I love it when it rains up there.

We had a safe trip and found all well when we got home. We are thankful for the many friendships we have, and hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, too.
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