Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Week of Service

There are no pictures this week...sorry. Most of my time was spent helping with a funeral for a friend at church. She lived a beautiful life and was a very talented woman. For example, she played with her first symphony at age 14, and was first chair violin in two other large symphonies for much of her life. Her family will miss her most for the fun they had with her; she was a vivacious woman. The funeral was yesterday, and, following her burial, we fed her extended family dinner (about 70 people). It was a joy to be able to serve them.

We also did a couple of critter jobs this week (pack rats and woodpeckers again). Jennifer got her new apartment, so we returned her 2 dogs's a quiet morning around here today. They are good dogs, and we enjoyed having them (in spite of the fact that the puppy was teething).

My calling at church has kept me running almost everyday. I am glad to be of service to is a privilege.

Our love to all of you, friends and family.

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