The garden has begun to grow! We not only have fencing all around, shade cloth up, and birdnetting across any open spaces, but we also put a barrier cloth down on the ground to minimize the weeds. It looks like a light gray fiberous cloth. We cut holes in it to plant the seeds.
Here's the first squash plant coming up--YEA!

This is one of about 15 different pepper plants. This plant will end up producing golden bell peppers.

There are also at least a dozen green bean plants. We sure are looking forward to fresh green beans all summer!

The peas are also growing. We put them by the fence so they would have something to hook onto as they grow.

The strawberry patch doesn't look like much yet, but we are very hopeful.

These are some mixed herbs in a pot. It should be fun to see what grows since we don't really know for sure what kinds of seeds were mixed together.

We have several buckets around the edge of the garden where we are growing onions...
and tomatoes...lots of several varieties.

We are looking forward to eating the fruits of our labors this year. Last year the rodents and birds ate more than we did. This year we hope to win the battle and maybe have enough in surplus to share with neighbors and put up in canning jars. Time will tell...
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