We had a wonderful Christmas week filled with friends and family...just as it should be. Don and I both have siblings, niece's, nephews, and their kids in the Tucson area, which is nice.
My sister came in from the Denver area to spend a couple of weeks. She has not been home for Christmas since 2000, and we haven't seen her at all since the summer of 2004. Below is a picture of my Mom and her four children at her house where we gathered on Christmas Eve. I know it made her very happy to have us all together again. Wish Dad could have been there. This is our sixth Christmas since his passing.

Below is my youngest sister with her daughter, son-in-law, and their two boys. The boys sure made opening gifts a lot of fun!

Below is my brother, his wife, and their son (who will be graduating from the university as an engineer in another year or so).
Jennifer had to work that night, so she wasn't here when we took pictures. But we were glad Nicole could stay and be in this photo with us.
On Christmas morning we had a chance to talk to the grandchildren in Germany...what a joy they are! I wish they could have been here to enjoy the week with us.
Although I realize that Christmas is not about the gifts, I do want to share one very special gift that was given to me by Don. When we got married, there was no money to spend on diamond rings because he was just beginning his education at the University of Arizona, I was teaching school, and we had three kids to support (two were mine, one was his). I was happy to wear a simple gold band. That was nearly 16 years ago.
This year for Christmas Don took me shopping to pick out a diamond ring...a token of his love and commitment. What a sweetheart! Below is a picture of the ring I picked out. It's called a waterfall...baguettes on both sides and 21 small diamonds arching through the middle set in yellow gold. It's beautiful!
Truly, we had wonderful Christmas! Each day this week was filled with fun, good friends, and extended family, for which I am grateful.
At this time of year when we remember the birth of the Savior of the World, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Prince of Peace, I wish all of you a blessed and wonderful Christmas season. Thank you for your love and friendship...I treasure it.