Dixie (Jennifer's 9-month-old German Shepherd) and Trooper (our little 18-month-old Dalmatian mix) love to play with each other. Tug-of-war with Don's old socks is one of their favorite games.
We did three bat jobs this week. One of them involved several historic buildings (built in the 1920's) that needed to have their attics and crawl spaces (underneath) checked for animals and then screened off. This is a picture Don took of me helping him screen off the crawl space ventilation bricks on one of the buildings. (The attics have the same open bricks for ventilation.)
We knew that one of the buildings housed a large colony of bats (and had housed them for MANY years) in the attic. When Don climbed into the attic most of the bats were gone. He took this picture of the rather large pile of bat guano that was there. I'll spare you the picture of the roofing beams that have been totally stained with urine, including one place that has been used so many times for so many years that it has crystallized and looks like a small stalactite--gross!. I was glad Don was wearing a respirator and not breathing that air!

I was grateful that we were able to spend an afternoon in the Mesa Temple. We love the peace that we feel there.

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