Last Sunday we spent time at the Thies home visiting with Maggie Salmond, Abby Salmond, Lydia (Salmond) Pickard, her husband Tim, and their two boys. It was a delightful afternoon! We haven't seen Maggie and Abby since they were little girls, and now they are beautiful young adults. Below are Abby, Maggie, Jenna, Nicole, and Kaytie.
This is a picture Lydia and Tim and their boys.
Don spent 5 days back packing with his Boy Scouts in the Gila Wilderness. They hiked, fished, camped, and had a really good time. I'm glad that they had so much fun and that everyone came home safely. Below is a picture of Don and Casey before they left. Don's pack weighed about 60 lbs.
When he got back, we took a day trip down to Tubac, AZ which is a very small town consisting mostly of artists. The galleries and shops are so unique. We met the couple that own a large art gallery which includes a wonderful sculpture garden, and they had invited us to see their gallery. We especially enjoyed the life-size sculptures. This first one is of an artist painting and the second is of children playing (done in bronze).

The next two are life-size animal sculptures.

There were nearly 100 sculptures in the garden, and we very much enjoyed it. Inside there were paintings, jewelry, and other sculptures.
We went to some of the shops. I especially enjoyed the metal shops and the pottery.

Yesterday we had a chance to hear Mar-Kell speak and to welcome him home from his Chinese-speaking mission in San Francisco. It was wonderful to see him again and to hear of his experiences over the last two years!
This week will be another busy one, but I am grateful for the opportunities that are mine to serve others.
Jennifer moved out of her apartment, so we are currently taking care of her two dogs (puppies). They are full of energy. That makes four dogs around our house who all want my attention, but it's not a problem as they spend a lot of time playing with each other.
Jennifer moved out of her apartment, so we are currently taking care of her two dogs (puppies). They are full of energy. That makes four dogs around our house who all want my attention, but it's not a problem as they spend a lot of time playing with each other.
I've only had my new calling in the Relief Society presidency for the one week, and we are already planning a funeral for this week (an older sister passed away Saturday) and our quarterly enrichment meeting is on Thursday. Another busy week for me!
1 comment:
Thanks for coming to support Mar-kell, it meant a lot to him and us. It was wonderful to see the Salmonds all grown up. Where does the time go?
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