It took everyone pulling with all of their strength to get the liner across the pond...
...and up the other side. what a chore!

Then it had to be unfolded and laid out flat. Once that was done, everybody took a break for donuts, fruit, and juice. Then it was back to work with the second half...same thing all over again! When that was done, large rocks were brought in to hold down the edges. Because of the rain, we couldn't get the middle seam put together. That will have to be done next week.
Afterwards, everyone took another food break, and a bunch of them posed for me. It was a big morning, and we're so glad that it went well. Don's been working on this project for weeks!

We're still working on the the bat exclusion project at the elementary school. We think we can have that done in another week or two.

We're still working on the the bat exclusion project at the elementary school. We think we can have that done in another week or two.
Happy Easter, everyone! We are profoundly grateful for the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ and all it affords us. We enjoyed talking to the grand kids this morning, and will spend this afternoon with my side of the family. Life is good. We are happy and feel very blessed. We hope you do also.
What a great project! As I read through your entry I wondered if Don had any other projects for young men who are working towards their Eagle Rank? There are a few scouts in our ward needing projects or ideas. Please give me a call.
Hello and Howdy Carter family,
The chain of blogs is so much fun isn't it? I was "led" to your blog via--sabrina--who found me from Aubry Wilkes. It is fun to see how you are doing. I was surprised to see that you had moved. I'm afraid we wouldn't recognize the old ward if we ever made it back. I'm happy to note that you look and sound both happy and healthy. I'll have to "check in on you" from time to time. you can visit us at
--until then, Jeff and Julie Bollinger
Wow! much work and many volunteers, that's very good.
The photos are very nice.
Saludos ....
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