Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Week!

This week began last Monday with removing packrats from an attic space in a home in the foothills, and will finish this Monday with removing raccoons from another family's attic. In between we played soccer Wednesday night, Don had a soccer game Friday night, My mom and sister, Susan, took me to lunch at Olive Garden for an early birthday (yummy), and the Collins family came over to spend the day with us Saturday. It was fun to see them again and have some time to spend with them.

The keeper!

Lunch at Olive Garden

Kerri, Chase, Don and Pat (being silly), and Aurora

Badminton and horse shoe playing area


Ania said...

Hi Karen.... nice picture.
I laughed a lot with the first photo :)

Garett and Rachel said...

Your blog is cute and I am so glad that we met that day in Flagstaff. Next time we come to visit in Tucson we will try to meet up with you all.