We moved into this house in July as part of Don's job. This is the view coming in from the front door with the piano, diningroom, and fireplace to the left. The sliding glass door (going out to the back porch and the pool) is at the center back, with the couches and entertainment center across the room. That's a small secretary desk to the immediate right. Once you come in a few steps and turn right you'll be facing the kitchen. The balcony at the rear above the sliding glass door is part of a separate upstairs office that is entered from the front porch. When you're up there you can open the upstairs sliding glass door and stand there over looking the livingroom. This is the great room downstairs. At the far side in the corner is a two-story rock fire place with windows on the walls to either side of it. The dining room room table is in from of the fire place. The piano is along the wall going toward the front door. In the foreground is the livingroom furniture facing the other wall which has the entertainment center. The downstairs has windows on every wall except for the one where we put the entertainment center. I had to put blinds and curtains on a toatl of 14 windows and 4 sliding glass doors. I think we really do live in a glass house!
This is the view looking from the entertainment area back at the front door and kitchen. There's a sliding glass door at the far end of the kitchen. To the left is a spare bedroom and bathroom. The stairs go up go to the master bedroom (which is an open loft), a big bathroom, a large walk-in closet, and lots of storage. The kitchen is fairly large and has an island with a gas stove and grill in it.
This is a shot of the ceiling above the master bedroom. The whole ceiling looks like this. We love the wood beams and slats.
The house is bigger than we are used to, and we are enjoying that. The outside area is huge. I'll have to send pics of that some other time. We feel very blessed to have this house to live in.
Trooper has settled into the family well. He and Mia are regular pals, and we're glad for that.
Don's brother, Jonathon, is getting married in about ten days, and we are so happy for him. Don's mom and his sister Cali will be here with us for a few days. We're looking forward to their visit. My mom and Sister Susan will be visiting for a day at the end of this week. Jenna came out for a day last Friday, and Nicole comes over for lunch fairly regularly since she works out here. Nathan and Sarah and the kids are settling into their new home and routine in Germany. We love checking up on them through the blog that Sarah writes.
Today was one of those busy days at Church: I sang in a trio in Sacrament meeting, team taught Sunday School (Marriage and Family Relations Class) with Don, and taught in Relief Society. Next week Don will have a similar Sunday since he will be treaching Priesthhood in addition to Sunday School. We're glad to be able to serve. We love you all!
Hey it was so good to hear from you! I was just thinking about you on Sunday. Thanks for inviting me to your spot! Love and miss YOU all!
Karen, what a fabulous home! We sure do miss you two.
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