Sunday, August 23, 2009

Learning the Ropes

Don has been spending a lot of time these last couple of weeks (and will be spending more time in the next few weeks) taking the rappelling training that the Boy Scouts of America provide so that he will be certified as an instructor and be able to teach his scouts to rappel. He's enjoyed the training, but it has been time-consuming.

I haven't felt well this week, but am back on my feet today and am glad for it. This morning we went over to our old ward so that Don could ordain Spencyr. It was good to be with Spencyr and Keri (his mom) again. We haven't seen them in about a year and have missed them. We are so glad that they asked us to come back for this special day!

On the critter front, it's been snakes and bats for the last week. As for the garden, it is continuing to produce, which makes us happy.
As a side note, we decided to give up the land line and use only cell phones. So, for those of you who have my old cell number, I have that number again; and Don still has the same cell number that he has had for years, so you can reach him at that number.


Ania said...

Hello my dear friend.
I wrote you.
Did you get my mail?


scrumdiddillyumptious said...

I am sad i did not get to see you on Sunday. It was my first week back in a month.