Saturday, January 24, 2009


It's been quite a birthday weekend! Don and I went out to dinner last night after he got home from work, and then we got up and went hiking today in the mountain canyon just east of the house. It was beautiful! The stream was running (which the dogs loved) and there was a gentle breeze. I love all the boulders and the plant life. Then my mom, Jennifer, and Nicole came over for dinner and games (which included watching the Arizona Wildcats win their basketball game-yea!). It's been a full, really fun few days. Thanks, sweet family, for a great week of time together, good food, and great memories!

I put a slide show to the right of some of the pictures we took while hiking today. Hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

Chazya said...

oooh gorgeous pics...arizona is sooooo gorgeous!

I've never lived there, but we frequented trips through it often on our way from cali to texas in route to visiting family.