Don had a great week with his scouts up near Flagstaff at Lake Mary. It was quite a bit cooler there, and Don enjoyed that, too.
He and his buddy, Rick, set up a big ol' tent. There was room for a couple of cots and a queen size mattress plus all of their ice chests and other things. Don also took our solar panel and battery so that he had lights and a couple of other luxuries; they were not exactly "roughing it".

All of the scouts from the stake were there, so some of the campfires were rather large...

...and some were small when it was only Don & Rick and their scouts.

Flag ceremonies happened every morning and evening, with various activities during the day.

This were several team-building games and problem-solving activities...

...with some creative solutions.

They had rifle shooting contests, log cutting contests...

and hatchet throwing contests.

They did a lot of rappelling and climbing, and canoe-ing and kayak-ing. But the most difficult activity was the day they hiked to the top of Mt. Humphries, the highest peak in Arizona. The air was thin and the wind was blowing 70-80 miles per hour.

It was quite an accomplishment. This was one of their views:

The boys had a great time! I'm glad to have a husband who is willing to give up his vacation time to go serve the boys and be an example to them of honorable manhood.