Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We had a lot of winter rain this year so the wildflowers are in bloom. Here are some pictures taken near our house. ENJOY!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


The camera decided to stop working over the weekend, so I guess I won't be posting anything until we get another one. It's always something, isn't it? Oh well. I'll post again in a couple of weeks (or sooner) after we get a new camera.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


It seems that most everyone we know is either struggling with something themselves, or someone close to them is struggling because of health problems, natural disasters, war, bad choices by loved ones, job loss, financial setbacks because of the economy, poor decisions by teachers at school, angry people all around looking for a reason to sue someone, politicians or other civic leaders who are out of touch with the majority of their constituents, etc. The list of things that negatively impact us seems to be never-ending. And yet, it the midst of it all, the gospel of Jesus Christ brings peace, there are miracles all around us (if one has the eyes to see them) and life continues on with joy as well as sorrow. We have cried and we have prayed; we have rejoiced and we have felt gratitude. It is a difficult time to live, and yet, it is a great time to live. In spite of everything going on in the world, we are anchored by faith and feel optimist and hopeful. Life is still good...families are forever...sweet is the peace the gospel brings.

Don took his scouts out for a day of prospecting and adventure. The boys had a great time. Don is a wonderful Varsity Scout Coach. Below is a picture of some of them climbing an old windmill.

The garden has begun to grow...I'll try to take some pictures of it as it produces veggies for us.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Baby Quilts and Grand-babies

You're probably wondering what this is a picture of. It's a table at the end of the gym at Church with about half of the quilts and blankets we made.

Last night our Relief Society finished a community service project in honor of the 168th birthday of the Relief Society. We made quilts and blankets for a charity in our community that works with poor families whose newborn children have birth defects or other serious medical problems. There is a huge team of doctors and social workers that take turns donating their time on behalf of these families. The 32 quilts and blankets were made with love, and will, we hope, bring comfort to the the babies and their mothers. There are also a few large bags of baby cloths being sent their way.

It was a great night! The gym was full of sewing machines and quilting frames with women sitting around them happily chatting as they tied quilts, sewed bindings on quilt edges, or made fringe on the edges of the fleece blankets. It was such a busy night that this was the only picture I took!

We received news today that Nathan is being deployed to Iraq the first week in April to provide dental care for our soldiers who are there. We are so proud of him and will be praying for his safe return to his wife and children. They are, by the way, expecting another boy in July, which we are so grateful for. That will make four children for them (four grandchildren for us): two boys and two wonderful!