Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Hand of God

I stopped to watch the hand of God

At the close of day

The sunlight lingered in the sky

Then slowly slipped away

My eyes beheld in wonder

The magesty and grace

Today I saw His hand; in time

I shall behold His face

Monday, July 20, 2009

Busy With the Bats

Last week we did several jobs involving bats. One place had a maternity colony of around 1000 bats in a large attic. We will work with that site in a few months after the young have learned to fly and they are all ready to go to Mexico for the winter. Below is a picture of a few of them. Don was looking up at the ceiling.

On Saturday, Matt and Tanya and James came over to spend the day with us. They are renting our house on the east side of town, and we have enjoyed getting to know them. It was a fun day.

This week we also went out to dinner with some friends, worked out, had the missionaries over for dinner, and took care of our callings in addition to the usual around the house. I used to think that when the kids were grown and I wasn't working full time teaching school that life would slow down and I would have a lot of free time. HAHAHA And here we are starting a new week that promises to be just as busy. :-) But that's OK--life is good!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Goin' Green

I told Makayle, our 7 year old grand daughter, that I would take a few pictures of our garden for her. I blogged several weeks ago about the battle we were having with all of the rodents and birds eating our garden. Finally, we are getting some vegetables!

This is a picture from the end of the garden, similar to one taken a couple of months ago (for comparison).

Don planted corn along some of the edges of the garden, and his corn is now getting ears (look at the bottom 1/3 of the plant and you can see the ear of corn growing). Next to the corn are some cucumbers, and then there is a walnut tree. There is a grape vine is on the back side of the walnut tree.

Those are several tomato plants (which have been producing) back behind the giant pumpkin plant in the foreground (and more corn along the back edge).

These are our pepper plants (jalapeno, Anaheim, and sweet bell peppers).

This is one of the squash plants. We have gotten several zucchini and yellow crooked neck squash so far. Today I hope to make some zucchini bread (if I can find a few minutes) to give to our home teachers when they come over.

Don put the garden on a drip irrigation system so that it gets watered automatically (which has been a time saver for me). Keeping the weeds out has been a constant battle, too. But we are glad for the fresh vegetables, and glad to have enough to share with friends.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Company and Critters

This is the first time I've had a chance to download a few pictures from last week. Time is short, so I'll be brief.

Don's mom was here for a few days and spent time with each of her three sons who live in the Tucson area.

Don caught several squirrels this week. This is an antelope ground squirrel in a clear plastic jug.

This is Don getting a rattlesnake out from under some wood.

He got the snake out and on the hook, and then grabbed him by the tail and put him into the snake box.

He carried him out and released him. The snake was not very happy at all. Here he is coiled up ready to strike, rattling his tail quite loudly.

We had a great 4th of July weekend, spending Saturday with our good friends and Sunday with Don's family. Happy birthday, America!
This week I hope to catch up on some sleep and a few things around the house! I'll try to blog again in a few days.