WOW! What a great week it's been!
Last Tuesday we finished packing for a belated anniversary trip up to the land. We were able to be there Wednesday-Saturday and loved every minute of it! The weather was perfect. It stayed between 50 and 70 degrees the whole time. It was overcast (which I loved) and we had some light rain. When we stand on our land we can see for many, many miles in all directions, so we were able to watch different storms across the sky.
We did a lot of hiking and exploring. To our surprise, as we went down an old dirt road, we saw many huge logs laying around in an area that has no trees except for some small junipers. This is the road we were can see that there are no large trees (you can also see the beautiful cloud-filled sky).
We were quite startled to see large tree trunks laying around, so we got out of the truck to explore the area. As we looked around we discovered that the huge tree trunks and limbs were all petrified wood! We were amazed at how much of it there was in that one area. We have many small pieces of petrified wood on our property, but nothing even close to being as big as those logs were!
This is a picture of Don standing on one end of a tree trunk that measured about 80 feet in length.
Even the dogs were interested in exploring with us.

It really just looked like a lot of big pieces of wood laying around, but I promise you, they were rocks!
There were literally hundreds of big logs laying around. It was an amazing find, and we enjoyed the hours we spent exploring the area!

I put together a slide show of 26 pictures (at the right) for you to look at, if you are interested.
We came home Saturday afternoon, cleaned up quickly, and hurried to the Bishop's office (we had a message about meeting with him Saturday evening). I was extended a calling to serve in the Relief Society Presidency. So on Sunday I was sustained and set apart. It's a blessing to serve the sisters of the Relief Society, and I am grateful for the call. I'll be responsible for the Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meetings and Activities, so I'm sure my life will get even busier than it already is!
This morning (Monday) Don left on a five-day back packing trip with his Varsity Boy Scouts. His pack weighed just over 50 pounds. He's really excited to have the time to go hiking, fishing, camping, etc. with the boys and the other leaders. The dogs and I will have to hold down the fort without him. This will be the first time in our 15 years of marriage that we will be apart for more than one night. I hope he has a great time, but I will be glad when he comes home!