I'm sorry that I didn't get any pictures taken this week. It seems like we ran a hundred miles an hour all week long and really enjoyed ourselves, but I never managed to make everyone sit still long enough to take pictures. Oh well. I'll try to do better this coming week.
Highlights: we had friends over Monday night for dinner and Family Home Evening which was very enjoyable. He also played soccer two nights (they won their game this week), and worked on trapping a little spotted skunk in someone's house. I went to lunch with Carol (a good friend that I haven't seen in months). It was so good to catch up on her life and that of her family. We're glad to report that the University of Arizona basketball team beat both USC and UCLA this weekend--yea! Don had Boy Scouts and scout committee meetings this week, and took his scouts on an 11 mile hike yesterday morning. We had a fun Valentine's Day (dinner, movie, and dessert), and are looking forward to getting the garden planted next weekend. Tomorrow we plan to go to the Renaissance Festival which is up between Florence Junction and Gold Canyon since Don has the day off.
Hope you all had a good week, too!