Are you singing along? (Sound of Music)
I haven't had time to blog and probably won't have time in the near future, so I'm going to sign off. Here's a brief summary of how I've been spending my time: the chickens are nearly grown and will be laying eggs soon, the fruit trees are doing well, the winter garden is in, the food storage is almost up to par, the kids and grand kids are all well, studying for early-morning seminary keeps me very busy, the wildlife business is still moving along, the rental occasionally needs a repair, I'm working 20-25 hours a week for a mortgage broker, sometimes we find time to do things with friends and family, and I almost keep up with the house work and cooking. I've had to let go of some volunteer work and other things that I enjoy because of time constraints, but only for a season.
Hope you all are well. XOXOXOXO
The Critter Gitters aka...The Carters
We are Don and Karen Carter, and currently call Catalina, AZ, home. Don is a wildlife guy, and that means that our life is, well, kinda wild sometimes! Don works for the County by day, and we occasionally spend our evenings relocating wildlife that has gotten into people's homes (they don't call Don "Batman" for nothing). Karen taught school for many years but has since said good-bye to the two-legged wildlife and hello to the four-legged wildlife. We love our family and life is good!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
From Fuzz to Feathers
July's little yellow fuzz ball chicks have become August's medium-sized white-feathered flying chicks. We built this secondary run for them so they can come into the big yard and eat grass and bugs. We made it secure enough that the hawks can't get through the net roof and no other predator can get through the chicken wire sides. In theory, it's portable and can be moved to any part of the yard. In practice, it's a little bit heavy and awkward to move...but it moves, and that's what counts.
We think Trooper must have some bird dog in his pedigree some place. He creeps up on the chickens so slowly that they don't seem to mind him being there. Then he holds perfectly still with a little point.
The chickens pack away a lot of food. They not only have their feed, but they eat bugs, fruits, veggies, and fish. They even come when Don calls them because they never know what kind of yummy thing he has for them to eat.
We are enjoying watching them, and are hoping that they will give us eggs before Christmas.
Friday, July 22, 2011
We have had such a wonderful, busy summer! I can't even begin to write everything!
My Aunt, Uncle, and 3 of my cousins were here for a few days from Oregon, and we had a wonderful mini-family reunion with my dad's family; those who live in the Phoenix area were down to my cousin's new home in Marana where we all spent a wonderful afternoon. (I, of course, forgot the camera.) It was so good to become reacquainted with everyone, especially the 2nd cousins who now have families of their own. We talked and ate and laughed; there's nothing better than the love of family! I'm looking forward to going to Oregon to visit this next year.
Nathan, Sarah, and their family were here to visit lots of family members, and it was a joy to see them all again. They are on their way to Kansas where Nathan will be stationed for his last year in the Army Dental Corps. They are closing a successful chapter of their lives after 3 years in Germany, and we are very proud of them.
We were happy to finally see Tanner in person! Welcome to the family, little guy! He turned 1 the first week they were in town (and I, of course, forgot the camera again. BROTHER!) He is a sweetheart. We were disappointed that we didn't have more time with him and his mom and dad (there were so many people for them to see), but glad for the time that we did get with the three older grand kids.
The grand kids came over a couple of days after the baby chicks arrived, and seemed to enjoy them.
Auntie Jen was out to visit, and they ate suckers and talked on the swing...good times!
Bev and Lee let the kids ride Dollar Horse and Katie Mule. That was a first for them. It brought back good memories for me because when their dad was roughly their age he had his own horse.
Carter boy seemed to enjoy riding grandpa the best...
...or chilling in the shade with the dogs.
Thanks, Bev and Lee!
We also spent an afternoon at Breakers. The kids had a great time there! The girls and Grandpa spent time in the wave pool while Carter and I vegged on the lounge chairs in the grass.
There were slides...
...and air bubbles...
...a kiddie lagoon (Carter loved the bird and snake spewing water on him)...
...and water that dumped down from a giant gourd...
...keeping them cool from the summer sun. It was so much fun to be able to spend time with them. I miss them and am looking forward to their next visit!
My mind has now turned to my new calling: early morning seminary. I start in three weeks and feel like a fish out of water since I've never gone to seminary myself. Sure hope the saying, "You're never too old to learn" holds true for me!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
This morning I went out on the front porch swing to face the morning sun and soak up it's warmth.

I watched the dogs running around playing with each other in the front yard. I listened to more birds than I could count (doves, sparrows, cardinals, finches, thrashers, etc.). I could smell the moisture in the soil from the little bit of rain we got yesterday. I looked out beyond our yard and saw a perfectly blue sky, the beautiful Catalina mountains, and the green mesquites. All of nature is happy this morning...everything is green and growing.

The many plants on the front porch and in the planter just beyond the porch are leafing out and flowering. The roses are happy.

The fern is happy.

The begonia is happy.

The iris and Jennifer's house plant are happy.

The plants and flowers in the flowerbed are happy.

This is a new little tree that I'm going to plant soon...I just don't know where yet. I know it will provide a lot of shade when it is grown, and I don't want it to crowd out the fruit trees (which, by the way, are happy, too, and will produce fruit for us this year...yea!).

The garden provided us with vegetables this winter and is doing well this spring. There are strawberries, radishes, tomatoes, peppers of several varieties, squash (yellow and zucchini), onions, cilantro, garlic, and a grape vine (I think that's all).

I watched the dogs running around playing with each other in the front yard. I listened to more birds than I could count (doves, sparrows, cardinals, finches, thrashers, etc.). I could smell the moisture in the soil from the little bit of rain we got yesterday. I looked out beyond our yard and saw a perfectly blue sky, the beautiful Catalina mountains, and the green mesquites. All of nature is happy this morning...everything is green and growing.
The many plants on the front porch and in the planter just beyond the porch are leafing out and flowering. The roses are happy.
The fern is happy.
The begonia is happy.
The iris and Jennifer's house plant are happy.
The plants and flowers in the flowerbed are happy.
This is a new little tree that I'm going to plant soon...I just don't know where yet. I know it will provide a lot of shade when it is grown, and I don't want it to crowd out the fruit trees (which, by the way, are happy, too, and will produce fruit for us this year...yea!).
The garden provided us with vegetables this winter and is doing well this spring. There are strawberries, radishes, tomatoes, peppers of several varieties, squash (yellow and zucchini), onions, cilantro, garlic, and a grape vine (I think that's all).
Life is good! The kids and grand kids are well, Jennifer and Nicole are signed up for school, and Nathan and Sarah and finishing up their time in Germany.
There are several things that I haven't blogged about this spring that I will just mention briefly. My mother turned 83 in February. Aunt Jo was here to visit for a couple of weeks (Uncle Herb passed away in December). Mom is still quite independent and able to get around, for which we are grateful. The pictures below were taken at Easter (Mom, Joni, Susan, and I, and then Don and I) when we had the family together at Mom's house.
Don did not want to have a birthday party this year...just the family. He just turned the big 5-0 and doesn't want anyone to know (oops!). lol
Mother's day was great. I got to talk to Nathan and the grand kids, and then, after Church we came home to the wonderful smells of dinner being cooked by Nicole and Jennifer. YUMMY!
We are looking forward to our anniversary (on Thursday) and time on the land. We are back in the thick of doing wildlife jobs...and grateful for the work. It sure keeps us busy! We are so blessed in every aspect of our lives, and I am glad to have been able to take a few quiet moments to reflect on that this morning.
Oh-I almost forgot. Don got a street-legal dirt bike (dual purpose: transportation and fun) which I occasionally ride with him....but that's a blog for another day.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Stop And Smell the Flowers
Time keeps rolling by; the days are so full.
We got most of the garden planted, and we got a lot of work done at our home across town. Actually we worked for four days doing all of the trimming and yard work and painting and sealing of tile and deep cleaning and and and....Then on Saturday we welcomed new renters.
Today, however, we took some time to relax, stop, and smell the flowers...literally. My niece Angy and her boys came over to spend the afternoon with Jennifer. They planted flowers in the front planter (the fencing is to keep the dogs from digging up the flowers). The boys had a good time in the dirt.

Jennifer and Angy helped them get the flowers in the ground.

We got most of the garden planted, and we got a lot of work done at our home across town. Actually we worked for four days doing all of the trimming and yard work and painting and sealing of tile and deep cleaning and and and....Then on Saturday we welcomed new renters.
Today, however, we took some time to relax, stop, and smell the flowers...literally. My niece Angy and her boys came over to spend the afternoon with Jennifer. They planted flowers in the front planter (the fencing is to keep the dogs from digging up the flowers). The boys had a good time in the dirt.
Jennifer and Angy helped them get the flowers in the ground.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!
It was so much fun to wake up and find snow on the ground this morning which is so unusual, especially at the end of February.
I went out the front door and took the first picture facing toward the north. There was a little bit of sunshine peeing out over some clouds where the sky is starting to clear. Other than that, the sky is gray.

Then facing south.

Then east. The mesquite trees look like they have white blossoms all over them.

The dogs have been out playing in the snow like a bunch of little kids. They are so funny.
I think I am finally well again, and none too soon. Our renter moved out this weekend (he's being deployed) and we spent the last two days catching up on all of the yard work. I hope we will be able to find new renters who will be as good as the ones we are losing.
I went out the front door and took the first picture facing toward the north. There was a little bit of sunshine peeing out over some clouds where the sky is starting to clear. Other than that, the sky is gray.
Then facing south.
Then east. The mesquite trees look like they have white blossoms all over them.
The dogs have been out playing in the snow like a bunch of little kids. They are so funny.
I think I am finally well again, and none too soon. Our renter moved out this weekend (he's being deployed) and we spent the last two days catching up on all of the yard work. I hope we will be able to find new renters who will be as good as the ones we are losing.
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